Robberg Nature Reserve

If you happen to make your way to Plettenburg Bay along the Garden Route in South Africa then I highly suggest you make a stop and walk around the Robberg Nature Reserve. It’s a nature reserve on a small peninsula extending from the oceanside town. The hike will take you about 2 hours if you go the shorter route and closer to 4 if you go all the way out. We opted for the shorter route after having done a 9km hike in the rain the previous day.

You’re in for some geological wonders, seals, sand dunes 100m above sea level and generally awesome views. Why are you still sitting there? Go do this hike! Read more “Robberg Nature Reserve”

Goat Trail Bike Ride

It’s Saturday and with little to do today I figured I’d get outside and try my luck at the bike trail that I failed at so miserably last time. This time I planned ahead, spacer, extra tube, pump, multi-tool and water. All preparations made I headed off for the trail.

Let me tell you, this network of trails is awesome. These are goat/cattle trails that cover the entire landscape surrounding Opuwo so you’re guaranteed that it’ll lead somewhere. My anti-thorn lining was doing its job and the flimsy rim wasn’t failing me, although it did bend a bit.

After going a bit further away from Opuwo I headed back and decided to see if the trails would lead me all the way back to the airport. Frankly I have the time and I’m always up for an adventure. I passed a few goat herds along the way. I found myself smack dab in the middle of a Himba village about half way back. This probably was not the best thing to do, but at least I approached from the north. No one chased after me so I think I’m in the clear. I got to the airport and was able to find the trail that surrounds the airport. I came upon the Opuwo water reservoir…there’s a water reservoir in Opuwo? I was shocked and amazed and I was surrounded by goats and cows. I think the herdsmen were even more shocked and amazed to see this white guy on a bike out in the middle of nowhere.

All-in-all this was a great bike ride. The effort was minimal and the enjoyment was tops. I think someone should open up Himba tours via bike in Opuwo.

Enjoy the time line pictures from this afternoon’s ride.