I’ve talked about it before, but on March 30th we had some serious wind in Cape Town. It hit 70km/h gusts. The wind was so strong it was blowing water from the tops of the white peaks in open water. We traveled to Hout Bay this day and sand was being blown across the road. The following video is a quick visualization of that day:
Here’s a pic of me being blown away at Hout Bay. Not sure on wind speeds here, but it’s the strongest wind I’ve ever been in.
Check out this house in Camps Bay
Had to post some pictures of this place in Camps Bay. Unreal.
See more pics here: http://airows.com/first-crescent-house-lions-head-camps-bay-south-africa/
When the Lights Go Out In the City…errr…Apartment
This was the scene in our apartment this morning.
Do you remember me telling you about the prepaid electricity meters? Well, as Shannon was packing this morning at 5am to leave for her trip we found out just how important it is to watch it. With iPhone in hand we saw a flashing 0.0 with a nice smiley face next to it. Not sure why the smiley face.
Neil, I need my Homebug now so this doesn’t happen anymore.
I signed up for online payment via Powertime.co.za, so should it happen again I won’t have to trek out to the gas station in the wee hours of the morning.
Shan’s First Departure
I say first departure because she’ll be gone one week and then returning here for 4 days and then she’ll be leaving Cape Town (note my sad face as I write this).
She’s off with her family on a week-long trip through Botswana and Zimbabwe. I’m very jealous and sorry to see them leave, but it’s crunch time with work and cannot be escaped. We had a great week in Cape Town. I’ll be sure and write more about it soon.
I miss them all already and I’ve only had a half day by myself. Wish me luck on a first day in Cape Town without my partner in crime.
Savoy Cabbage
Taking a trip to Cape Town then this is definitely a restaurant to consider. It’s a small restaurant hidden up Hout, away from the Long St turmoil.
The food is excellent. It’s not the cheapest place, but a good value for the high quality.
The item we were told we had to try was the tomato tart. Very good, but we were left wondering why it was on the list of ‘Things you have to eat before you die.’
They pride themselves on their preparation of their game and I have to agree that they do it very well with the springbok that I had.
Definitely worth a trip and I think I’d say next time I want to try their pork prepared 3 ways.
Kresten’s Place
88mph Episode 2 – Meet the Team
The Dogs Bollocks
Last night we met up with Grant from Innovate the Cape. His dinner suggestion was The Dogs Bollocks. We’re happy he made this suggestion.
The ‘restaurant’ is located in the Fringe. It’s in a dark alley with no signage and pretty easy to miss. You definitely wouldn’t just stumble across it, but it’s worth searching out.
He serves burgers and that’s it. Man are they good and HUGE! You write your name on the wall with how many burgers you want and then what toppings you want. Wait 10 min and be prepared to be amazed. We weren’t really sure how to start, but it was fun figuring it out. Sauces were flying and taste buds were dancing. Arnaud suggested the best way to wash up after was just having a bucket of water thrown on you; I tend to agree. Shan’s burger had some awesome nacho cheese and tomato sauce. Mine had some sweet chili.
Get there early because apparently he only serves 30 burgers a night and when he runs out he closes.
My Bike Ride to Work
Cape Town Panoramic
The Bungalow
Last Thursday Stefano arranged a dinner for the EiRs and Startup folks to relax and have a good time. Our destination: The Bungalow. We hopped in Old Man Goldfish (our mini’s official name) and made our way over the pass. It’s always a treat to see Old Man G climb that hill. Please visit and we’ll share in the joy together.
Back to the blog at hand. We got there just in time for a beautiful sunset. There really is something to sunsets here. The sun seems to stick around and melt on the horizon vs. what i’ve seen in the past.
We all had a great time, had some delicious seafood, had plenty of laughs and got to know everyone even better. Arnaud, loved the blue blanket, old man look.
Things are Pretty Inexpensive in Cape Town
I speak of course in a relative manner, but we’ve found it quite affordable to live here.
1. Parking
Parking in the city is pretty much nothing. You can park in a paid lot for about a dollar an hour no matter what kind of event is going on. No more $20 Cincinnati event parking.
2. Wine
Go to dinner and you’ll be hard pressed to find a bottle of wine over R250. That’s about $30 for a really good bottle of wine at dinner. The average is closer to around $15. It’s pretty nice.
3. Food
Not only is the food delicious here, it’s inexpensive. Shan and I shared this huge plate of seafood and it as only $50. Sure, that’s fairly pricey, but for the seafood we got you can’t beat it.
Can’t Stop Sweating
I’ve found that I sweat a lot here.
It’s not humid, it’s really not that hot, but I can’t stop sweating. Every night our place is like a sauna with our only small respite being a tiny oscillating fan. Every morning the sun quickly blazes it’s way inside and I’m off to sweatsville again. Work is the worst given that fact that we’re on the top floor.
Good news is I’m here so that works for me.
Pedestrians Beware in Cape Town
This is not a friendly city for those wishing to cross the streets. ‘Walk’ signals should be translated as ‘Better not unless you’re sure there aren’t any cars coming, even if you can’t see them at the moment.’
We’ve had our fair share of close calls so consider yourself warned when visiting Cape Town.
Don’t Park Here
Saturday morning was our great trip to the Biscuit Mill (I’ll post about this later), but we returned with a nice R200 fine on our car (that’s about $20). The kicker was that someone had pointed this particular spot to us as a viable option. He was even there upon our return and acted as if he was clueless. I immediately regretted my decision to pay him for helping us park.
So here’s how things went down today when I tried to fight/pay my parking fine.
I drove down to the area I considered might be near City Hall and asked a parking employee that was walking around. His instruction was to go to the Civic Centre. Great, I now had a destination that wasn’t too far away. I made my way over, parked and walked into the Civic Centre. A nice government building with high ceilings and big ambiguous signs of where to go. I figured ‘Pay Here’ would work. I lined up…sorry, queued up, and prepared to fight. I spoke to the woman at the window who said I could pay here, but to fight the charge I’d have to go to City Hall. I resigned to the fact that I had to pay and didn’t want any more hassle. I gave her the ticket. She asked, ‘when did you get this?’ I responded Saturday and she informed me that it most likely wouldn’t be in the system and I therefore wouldn’t be able to pay the fine. She confirmed her suspicions and told me I had to go to City Hall.
I was committed to at least paying this fine so I ventured over to City Hall near where I started my task. Now I’d at least have the opportunity to ask why we had received the ticket in the first place, try to fight it and in the worst case, pay for it.
City Hall – def: ‘Place of confusion in Cape Town’
I entered and saw a place to pay. It informed me that I would have to first go to Enquiries if I wanted to ask questions beyond giving my money and asking for a receipt. Enquiries informed me that I’d have to go to the Parking Office. Down the hall and to the right. I went down the hall and to the right. I asked about the Parking Office and the gentleman informed me ‘Not here, this is the prosecutors office. Go back down the hall there.’ Ok, that’s the direction I had just come from. So I waited in the Parking Fine Payment room thinking they might be able to shed some light on my confusion. He informed me, ‘You have to go to the Enquiries Office first.’ Yes, I was already there. ‘Oh, then you need to go to the Prosecutors Office. Right. Back down the hall and to the right. I entered the Prosecutors office where a gentleman helped me by saying that I’d have to talk to Ticketing Office. I avoided the obvious confusion that followed and asked if he could please reduce the fine amount due to my tourist induced stupidity. He would in fact grant this request. Cool, now we’re down to R70.
I headed promptly to the Payment Office with money in hand. ‘No, you have to go to the Enquiries Office to first change the payment amount before you can pay.’ Right. Out the hall and to the left. Wait in line. ‘I’m sorry, when did you get ticketed? Oh, it won’t be in our system yet. Can you please come back in 2-3 weeks?’ I laugh and leave.
Moral of the story: don’t trust those guys in yellow vests helping you park, they have no idea what they’re doing.
I Like Camps Bay
What a great day. Today was JB and Shannon relax on the beach day.
We got up at 7:30, went for a run, had a quick bite and headed to Camps Bay around 9am. Camps Bay began with a nice morning coffee and snack on the promenade. The kicker was the Cape Argus cycle race this weekend. It is one of, if not the, biggest general races in the world. They have over 30,000 participants each year who cycle over 100km around the cape. It’s actually the exact same route that Shannon and I took last weekend to Hout Bay. It’d be an amazing route, but certainly challenging.
So here we are watching thousands of cyclists buzz by as us, the lazy ones, enjoy some food and drink looking out on the ocean. I didn’t feel bad about it at all; however, I think I’m set to do this next year. Who’s in?
We subsequently made our way over the temporary bridge, grabbed two lounge chairs and an umbrella and staked out our perfect spot by the water. We were there until 6pm.
The day included reading, sleeping, drawing, swimming, paddle ball and frisbee. We were joined by my colleagues Arnaud and Stefano, plus Stefano’s friend Paolo.
Frisbee was fun but we couldn’t seem to keep the darn thing out of the water. This was no ordinary frisbee as this was the notoriously hard to control Aerobee. Needless to say we spent many a tense moment trying to find this thing in the surf. One such time, all hope seemed lost until it peeked it’s little neon head out of the water. I made a mad dash and dive. Success! Plus Failure! I grabbed the aerobee, but lost my sunglasses. Fortunately, they weren’t the expensive kind. Next time the aerobee went in the water it was Arnaud’s turn to lose his glasses. It was sad, but I laughed a lot during these exercises. We redeemed ourselves later by buying some Foakleys. Original price: R250. Final price: Two for R100. We still got ripped off, but I was happy.
Shan and I enjoyed some paddle ball and reached our collective best rally. Got to always strive for something.
The afternoon proved much windier, but it became amazing as the sun was going down. We grabbed an evening cocktail and watched the sun dip below the horizon. Amazing place to watch.
Camps Bay really is great and I’m surprised it took us this long to enjoy a full day there and watch a sunset. We’ll be going back a whole bunch more.
Boulders Beach
Leaving Hout Bay we knew next up was penguins at Boulders beach. How to get there? Take the m6 and enjoy the coast. Yes. Is the m6 the narrow, steep winding road towering over the cliffs and water below? Yes, maybe.
Despite my initial apprehension the mini was a champ. Easily taking the winding roads and nimbly taking us to new heights and spectacular views.
We arrived in simonstown around 1pm with penguins on the brain. I had been here once before, but that was 5 years ago. And like 5 years ago, I pulled into the first parking lot and promptly headed to the one farther down the road. The first time because the lot was full and the second time because I thought the first time we made the right decision by parking farther down the road. I was wrong the second time. Here’s my advice. Park in the first lot if you can. That is unless you want to go swimming at the beach, then park in the second lot.
We enjoyed the penguins at Boulders Beach. We marveled at how graceful they are in the water, how clumsy they appear to be on land and how at peace they seem while basking in the sun. We even were lucky enough to witness a couple of penguins showing their affection to one another.
The Pink Flamingo Cinema
Monday night Shannon arranged a movie night for us at the Pink Flamingo Cinema. The movie we saw is one of my favorites of all time, The Fifth Element. Nothing especially different about the movie this time as I’ve seen it dozens of times and love it every time, but it was all about the location.
This particular theater is on the top of the Grand Daddy hotel on Long street. The theater is outdoors and surrounded by a half dozen Airstream trailers that you can book as lodging.
We ordered a bottle of Fat Bastard wine, grabbed our picnic basket and grabbed a front row seat on the lounger. What a great night.
Per the recommendation of a colleague, Shannon and I decided to attend last night’s PechaKucha in Cape Town.
The way it works is anyone can apply to speak at the event. You have one limitation: 20 images/slides and each slide is only shown for 20 seconds. Last night there were 9 speakers who presented ideas and projects they find interesting. We had topics including gentrification, biodiversity studies, performance arts, township beauty pageants, poetry and Tanzanian hip-hop. Here’s the lineup from last night: http://www.pechakucha-capetown.com/pechakucha-22/
The goal of the event is to inspire and educate attendees. It takes place in over 600 cities around the world and has been in existence for 10 years. You should check it out and see when the next one is in your neighborhood. http://www.pechakucha.org/