What you’re seeing is the remains of our second helping of triple fried chips from Birds on Bree street. Easily top 5 fried potatoes I’ve ever had.
Great Dinner with My Lovely Wife
Lunch in Heaven
I’m a big backlogged at the moment with my posts so I’ll try to fill you all in soon. So let’s start with Heaven.
A couple of weeks ago Shan and I made the decision to get out of town for the weekend and headed to Hermanus. It’s a great beach town and I’ll post some pics soon. On Saturday we headed out of the area and decided to check out the Newton Johnson winery per a recommendation of local.
We stopped in for a wine tasting and lunch at their restaurant, Heaven. The scenery was great and the food was pretty good. I’m thinking the risotto is not their specialty so I suggest trying something else if you make the trip. All-in-all it’s a great place to stop and enjoy some wine for the day.
Savoy Cabbage
Taking a trip to Cape Town then this is definitely a restaurant to consider. It’s a small restaurant hidden up Hout, away from the Long St turmoil.
The food is excellent. It’s not the cheapest place, but a good value for the high quality.
The item we were told we had to try was the tomato tart. Very good, but we were left wondering why it was on the list of ‘Things you have to eat before you die.’
They pride themselves on their preparation of their game and I have to agree that they do it very well with the springbok that I had.
Definitely worth a trip and I think I’d say next time I want to try their pork prepared 3 ways.
The Dogs Bollocks
Last night we met up with Grant from Innovate the Cape. His dinner suggestion was The Dogs Bollocks. We’re happy he made this suggestion.
The ‘restaurant’ is located in the Fringe. It’s in a dark alley with no signage and pretty easy to miss. You definitely wouldn’t just stumble across it, but it’s worth searching out.
He serves burgers and that’s it. Man are they good and HUGE! You write your name on the wall with how many burgers you want and then what toppings you want. Wait 10 min and be prepared to be amazed. We weren’t really sure how to start, but it was fun figuring it out. Sauces were flying and taste buds were dancing. Arnaud suggested the best way to wash up after was just having a bucket of water thrown on you; I tend to agree. Shan’s burger had some awesome nacho cheese and tomato sauce. Mine had some sweet chili.
Get there early because apparently he only serves 30 burgers a night and when he runs out he closes.
Things are Pretty Inexpensive in Cape Town
I speak of course in a relative manner, but we’ve found it quite affordable to live here.
1. Parking
Parking in the city is pretty much nothing. You can park in a paid lot for about a dollar an hour no matter what kind of event is going on. No more $20 Cincinnati event parking.
2. Wine
Go to dinner and you’ll be hard pressed to find a bottle of wine over R250. That’s about $30 for a really good bottle of wine at dinner. The average is closer to around $15. It’s pretty nice.
3. Food
Not only is the food delicious here, it’s inexpensive. Shan and I shared this huge plate of seafood and it as only $50. Sure, that’s fairly pricey, but for the seafood we got you can’t beat it.
Hout Bay
[easy2map id=15]
Today was our first full day with the mini. We had a blast.
First stop, Hout Bay for the market. The drive was scenic along the western coastline of the cape. Lots of bicyclists out enjoying the beautiful morning. And us in our miniature orange car chanting ‘I think I can, I think I can’ on every hill.
So here’s Hout Bay. Pretty, ain’t it?
Here’s the Market and my beautiful wife:
The market was amazing; for me food, for shan the crafts. I was in heaven. Omelettes, tarts, steamed buns, tea, pizza, lamb sandwiches, fresh oysters and craft beers and wine. Are you kidding me? Even in a small fishing town they manage to host an amazing event every week. This place continues to rock.
Here are some shots of the market:
I managed to stuff myself with oysters and a lamb sandwich. I decided to wash it down with some lemonade and two custard tarts (you must buy these if you go).
We have decided we are starting every Saturday in this manner.
A Tale of Two Beers
So I’ve had some time to readjust to life in the U.S. and one big thing I’ve found. The beer in Kenya isn’t very good. Score one for the U.S.
Don’t get me wrong. It is good, but only if it is fresh. Refrigeration of beer while transporting isn’t a big thing in Kenya (from what I could tell) and as such, the beer can get skunky. I told you all before, the best beer I had was in the airport the day I was leaving. It actually tasted good. That’s how all the beer now tastes to me here in the U.S.
So this leaves the question, is the beer actually skunky or is it just the way it tastes due to different ingredients?
Here’s to hoping that the beer situation is better in Cape Town. If not, there’s always wine.
Japanese in Kenya
Boxed Milk and Dragonfruit
Sandwitches are Dangerous
Delicious Fajitas
Just down the street in the mall there is a place that has delicious fajitas. This makes me happy.
Fine Dining in Nairobi’s Food Courts
Decided to forego on the usual today and headed up to the shopping center for lunch. The Junction is the large mall near my office which pretty much looks like any other in the U.S. The interesting part of this, and why I’m posting, is that you sit down at your table and each food place sends a waiter over and gives you a menu. So there you are sitting with 6 different menus from fast food places. I went with Chinese today.
Daily Lunch Menu
Apologies on not getting out the tales from the weekend, but I have a ton of photos to get through that I want to make sure to include.
In the meantime, there’s a food place out behind our office building. It is a small corrugated iron and concrete block building about the size of a one-car garage. I’m not sure what these are called, but they are where local people eat and local food is served.
I have eaten at this place 3 or 4 times since I got here and realized that it’s actually pretty good. They serve a plate of beans, kale (sukuma), chapati, cooked cabbage and a carrot salad (very similar to salsa). Grand total 50 Ksh. That’s equal to less than 60 cents for the whole meal.
I know you want some of this $10 cereal.
Namibian Meals
While I was in Opuwo I decided that I’d take a picture of every meal that I prepared. Why? Not really sure, but I figured it’d be cool to look back and see what I made and if I ever need any dinner ideas I’m set. I also think about food pretty much all the time so that might explain it a bit also. I mean, I’m thinking about my next meal even before I’m done with the current one. I had a bunch more pictures but they were casualties to the hd failure I experienced in Windhoek airport…nice parting gift I thought. Well, without further ado, here are a collection of 20 meals that I prepared and will give you a better idea of how and what I ate.
I’m Stupid
I decided to go to the bakery today to get bread as it’s a little closer than OK. Now I just want to punch my face. They have this great selection of fresh breads: hoagie buns, peasant rolls, dinner rolls, buns, cinnamon rolls. I’m just sad. I guess there’s always next time and at least I had a delicious tuna sandwich today.
Let’s analyze these pretzels i’m eating.
‘Hold on for a wild taste ride ’cause our twisted snacks just won’t be tamed!’
I bought a bag of pretzels, this was not in the arrangement.
‘Each pretzel you pop transports your tongue to a place where sweet honey, tangy mustard and grilled onions fill the prairies with flavour – Pretzola style!’
Are these pretzels or drugs? I like honey, tangy mustard and grilled onions…ok…tell me more. Wait…shouldn’t they fill my mouth with flavor and not some prairie? Additionally, I like my tongue and I’d rather it stay in my mouth.
I really can’t bear to read more as they want me to taste a fresh ocean breeze…i’d rather not remember the smell from the Cape Cross seal colony…not a very fresh breeze.
All in all though…these are good pretzels and I don’t even really like pretzels.
We Have Tomatoes People!!!
I came to the realization some time ago that if I have my plant inside that it’ll never be pollinated and thus no tomatoes. Dad, please put my coffee plant outside…I believe this might be why my plant is 4 years and have nothing thus far. Any way…I’ve been watching the plant closely and it’s been flowering a lot and today I noticed what you see in the picture. Sure, they’re only about the size of a pea, but they’ll be big soon. Any ideas on how to keep the locals from taking the tomatoes once they get bigger?