Dusty, Windy and Hot

Someone turned on the dusty, windy and hot and forgot to ask me if this was ok. The past few days we have been without blue skies due to what apparently is pretty much just dust and hot. You’d think the windy would help with this, but I think it is the cause. My plan…leave the windy and turn off the dusty and hot? I think this makes perfect sense. Below is a picture of yesterday’s sunset. The sun disappeared before it dropped below the horizon and no, these are not clouds of moisture…these are clouds of pure evil.

Tons of American Booty in Opuwo

I just got a package from Shannon and her mom that contained quite a few unexpected treats. The blanket included was all I knew about and pretty cool and will be given to a friend’s baby here, but what really caught me was this.

So much for keeping those pounds off. I’m naturally ok with this as I’m currently snacking on one of the smashed Oreo Cakesters…these are tasty. Maple syrup that isn’t sugar cane syrup with maple flavoring…ok, bad example as it’s just corn syrup with flavoring, but still much better than the stuff they have here…perfect for my homemade pancakes. Skyline…of course. Those almonds are truly a remarkable feat in modern processed foods. Peanut M&Ms…going in my freezer right now. American peanut butter? Awesome. Oyster crackers…now that’s just going the extra mile. Thank you for the treats and i’ll be sure and enjoy them.

What would you want in a care package if you were gone from the U.S. for quite some time?

We Have Tomatoes People!!!

I came to the realization some time ago that if I have my plant inside that it’ll never be pollinated and thus no tomatoes. Dad, please put my coffee plant outside…I believe this might be why my plant is 4 years and have nothing thus far. Any way…I’ve been watching the plant closely and it’s been flowering a lot and today I noticed what you see in the picture. Sure, they’re only about the size of a pea, but they’ll be big soon. Any ideas on how to keep the locals from taking the tomatoes once they get bigger?

New Pictures: Opuwo Sunday Bike Ride

Click the Photo to Enter the Album: 2008.8.31 – Opuwo Sunday Bike Ride

Headed east of Opuwo and decided to just go off the road. This ended up being an excellent idea. I stumbled upon a Himba village…oops. They were nice though and told me which path to take to get back to Opuwo…this path was great fun. I’m convinced that someone here needs to start offering mountain biking trips.