It’s Saturday and with little to do today I figured I’d get outside and try my luck at the bike trail that I failed at so miserably last time. This time I planned ahead, spacer, extra tube, pump, multi-tool and water. All preparations made I headed off for the trail.
Let me tell you, this network of trails is awesome. These are goat/cattle trails that cover the entire landscape surrounding Opuwo so you’re guaranteed that it’ll lead somewhere. My anti-thorn lining was doing its job and the flimsy rim wasn’t failing me, although it did bend a bit.
After going a bit further away from Opuwo I headed back and decided to see if the trails would lead me all the way back to the airport. Frankly I have the time and I’m always up for an adventure. I passed a few goat herds along the way. I found myself smack dab in the middle of a Himba village about half way back. This probably was not the best thing to do, but at least I approached from the north. No one chased after me so I think I’m in the clear. I got to the airport and was able to find the trail that surrounds the airport. I came upon the Opuwo water reservoir…there’s a water reservoir in Opuwo? I was shocked and amazed and I was surrounded by goats and cows. I think the herdsmen were even more shocked and amazed to see this white guy on a bike out in the middle of nowhere.
All-in-all this was a great bike ride. The effort was minimal and the enjoyment was tops. I think someone should open up Himba tours via bike in Opuwo.