They stink sometimes, can make you cry and tend to go flat too often. Not sure what I meant by a flat onion, but I’m becoming used to flat tires.
The day following the overnight at the plateau, Ed, Jeff and myself hightailed it back to where we had just been for some riding. We were a white guy bicycle gang unlike any that Opwuo had ever seen. Ed and Jeff were adorned with shiny new helmets. We were on fire. I confessed my absent minded morning where I left my only sunglasses at our campsite. Jeff replied with a ditto. Great morning.
We went off the road to begin our fun and within a minute…ppppppsssssssssssss. Um….Ed….Jeff? Flat tire. I began the trek back and was thankfully able to hitch a ride back into town in the back of a pickup. The rest of day was spent breaking my bike. The handy man that I am my rear tire is now out of line, my gears don’t change very well and everything seems to be squeaking.
Another tire blew this afternoon so I got to walk it home. That’s what I get for helping out the local schools with their computers. Miracle goop I put in the tube actually worked this time though. I pumped up the tire and it’s holding nicely.
My bike seat fell off on the way home from soccer practice tonight.
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