Is it wrong for a 26 year old to be completely and utterly addicted to Castlevania?…don’t answer that. I have this game for my gameboy called Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, and get sucked in every time I play it. I could make a joke playing off of the title…ooph…would you look at that picture, already got it covered. I mean…what else is there to do now that Shannon is gone?…again, don’t answer that. I guess the only cure is to beat the game and then I can close that chapter in my life. If only Death and Dracula didn’t join forces at the end…whoopin up on me.
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I don’t know what I’m addicted to… I watched a lot of Arrested Development and lately some of the Office (US series)…
Anyways, good times for you and Castlevania. I do recompile my kernel a lot, but I know that doesn’t interest you!