I thought I’d take some time and convey my feelings about coming back to the U.S. Tell some things I like and things I don’t. Just generally how I feel. So, without further ado, first topic is clothes as I happen to have some on today.
I can’t believe how soft my clothes are after I wash and dry them with machines. It’s like I’ve rediscovered soft. Hanging the clothes on the line was no big deal and they dried instantly in the dry air of Opuwo, but they always ended up being kind of crusty. It’s nice having them soft again. Time savings are obvious. Just throw them in and push a button. No more sore back from using my hands to wash my clothes one by one. Sure, it was kind of a relaxing activity, but it took a while. I would have to rinse them a dozen times to get the soap out…and that still didn’t quite do it.
So clothes. Much easier here.