Apologies on not getting out the tales from the weekend, but I have a ton of photos to get through that I want to make sure to include.
In the meantime, there’s a food place out behind our office building. It is a small corrugated iron and concrete block building about the size of a one-car garage. I’m not sure what these are called, but they are where local people eat and local food is served.
I have eaten at this place 3 or 4 times since I got here and realized that it’s actually pretty good. They serve a plate of beans, kale (sukuma), chapati, cooked cabbage and a carrot salad (very similar to salsa). Grand total 50 Ksh. That’s equal to less than 60 cents for the whole meal.
Wow! That actually looks great! And you can’t beat the price.
That’s inexpensive for what’s likely about to hit your GI system…good luck.