JB in the USA

As many of you know, I have been back in the states for roughly 2 weeks after being displaced from Kenya due to the violence following the December 07 election.  I have been patiently waiting and deciding what to do…even after having been given the green light to return.  I received news today that the program in Kenya has been suspended for at least 4 weeks with a further review pending.  I’m sure this is the right move on the program’s part and has now left me in a quandary.  Perhaps you will find the next time you read my blog that I will be off to another country.  You may find that I have returned to work.  I’m not sure right now.  I’ll keep you posted and sorry for leaving you hanging for those who are reading.


  1. JB,

    Yep… I’m still in Tala waiting for VSO to let me know when my flight is. The brilliant thing is, there’s no Safaricom service right now. BRILLIANT!

    I have been teaching Programming and Algorithms last week and this week, and just when I was getting comfortable preparing lesson plans and writing on a chalkboard VSO calls and says “pack your bags and be ready to go at a moment’s notice” Also, my shamba is producing beautiful cilantro and sukuma… too bad 🙁

    Sara and I don’t know what we’re going to do when we get back. Hang out… get a real job… Americorps…? who knows.

    Pole, rafiki…

    Keep in touch!


  2. Dude…. hola sometime.

    Potashke AT gmail DOT com

  3. JB,

    So… a mob tried to lynch a witch in Tala this week. And then when they failed, they burned down a bunch of government buildings in Tala’s city center.


    Kinda crazy…



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