One of the biggest planned activities while in Ngurumani was to hike up in the mountains in the surrounding area. We set out around 8 in the morning for a 3 hour tour, a 3 hour tour.
Our primary goal in the hike was to stop at a waterfall at the top. It was probably a 7 or 8 mile hike with a 3000 foot vertical up and 3000 down. It was a pretty hard hike. We passed many Masai who actually live at the top of the mountain and have to do the trek many times a week for food and other stuff. Unreal seeing these old women carrying 50 pounds of supplies up the mountain with no shoes and a strap around their head to hold the bag.
Martin and Diana taking a break on the way up.
Once we got to the top we were greeted by a Masai man who insisted we pay 500 Ksh (~6$) a person to go visit the waterfall. We had already paid the conservation fee to our guide and now we had to pay another. I believe it was mazungu tax. After much discussion we paid 1000Ksh for our group and were on our way down the cliffside.
Big dust devil in the distance near Lake Magadi.
Not many Masai appreciate being photographed. This boy really wanted me to take his picture.