My First Day at the “Garage”

Not sure how I’d feel today, I actually woke up fairly well rested and ready to learn why I’m here.

Our office is literally next door to where I live on Ngong road which makes for a carefree commute; aka, no mutatus.

The day started with some Swahili lessons at 8:30. We’re going to be doing this every day for quite some time apparently. Not for any other reason than to learn the language because everyone at work speaks English. Should be fun though, I even had some homework tonight.

Next was me learning a bit about the various businesses that we are working with so thought I’d share some basic thoughts: rent payments via mobile phone, game development, mobile music downloads, dating site, emergency loans via mobile phone and online gambling. Not necessarily the most altruistic businesses, but most are very useful for a mobile dependent population.

Normal business days involve us starting at 9:30am with a group meeting and then it appears we’re pretty much doing work to help in any way we can. So far, most folks have paired with startup to provide some dedicated help.

Today I helped by doing some logo design and providing general advice for a couple of businesses. Tomorrow I begin working with Mpepea. Given my attentionally deficient behavior it should be nice to have a couple of projects to work on at a time.

My coworkers are mostly from Denmark and others being from England and the U.S.

I’ll leave you today with a couple of images from the office:


  1. Sounds awesome JB! Keep the updates coming.

  2. It’s so fun to see where you are. We love you!!,

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