Question: What’s the Weather Like in Opuwo?

I may have answered this question before, but my grandma recently asked the question: “Is the weather hot and humid there or hot and dry?” It is winter now in the southern hemisphere so things are a bit cooler than the summer. It is extremely dry and mild. The temperature is in the mid-70s (F) every day and at night it can get a bit cold, even down into the 40s (F). It is fairly windy this time of year and dust devils are a very common occurrence. It has not rained here since my arrival in April so you can imagine that it’s pretty dry and dusty. Some days are better than others for dust and generally it’s very nice and very blue skies. Things will start to warm up toward the end of this month and into september, but the rains won’t come until December. I really lucked out because it has been the same sunny weather every day since I arrived…can’t wait to get back to the rain, clouds and humidity of Cincinnati.

One Comment

  1. Yep – It’s August 2nd today in Cincinnati – 93 degrees and 125% humidity.

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