Travels: June 26th – The Airport

It’s June 26th and I’ve been waiting for this day for quite some time.  I wake up early, shower up, grab some hard boiled eggs and miraculously the driver is there, on time, to take me to the airport to go get Shannon.  Moses is his name so I’m feeling good about this.

Shannon’s plane lands a little early so I’m glad I arrived a bit early myself.  I wait just a bit and out of the door comes the cute blond girl I’ve been waiting for.  Seems like it was just yesterday that I last saw her and it’s great.  I present her with a gift plastic shopping bag full of delicious breakfast-like items.  If you come and visit maybe you can find out what kind of goods I provide.

Things are great until I have to go to customs to pick up some packages.  You see, when I left Kenya I kind of left in a hurry, as in, I left with nothing.  The folks in Kenya were nice enough to send my belongings to me here in Namibia and the packages were waiting in Windhoek.  To back up just a bit, a few weeks prior I received a phone call from someone in Windhoek who said they had my packages.  I tell them to hold onto them and I’ll pick them up myself when I get to Windhoek.  Fast forward to a couple of days before Shannon arrives and I meet up with this guy, Nicolas, who wants N$1400 and my passport…um…no.  I tell him that I can take care of this myself.  Return to June 26th and I find out that this guy tried to process my packages for me in the hopes that I’d pay him N$500 just for his ‘troubles.’  I find out that this might have been worth it.  Because I’m a nice guy, I also volunteered to pick up some packages that VSO had at the airport that had been sitting there since October.  3 hours later I have managed to fill out about 10 forms, paid an additional N$1300 out of my pocket for the VSO packages, found out that guy’s name is definitely not Nicolas, made a trip to the post office to buy a N$1 revenue stamp, apologized to Shannon and Moses at least 30 times and generally lost all hope for Namibian customs.  Long story short, I now have all of my stuff from Kenya and not a thing was missing.

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