
Got some more meat today. Thought I’d share the experience with you all. Forgot to get a shot of the butchers, but I’m sure I’ll be going back soon. Nyamachoma = Roasted Meat

Mailing Address

If you care to send me anything, please send to the following address: P.O. Box 13488 – 00800 Nairobi, Kenya Take care when sending packages. Things of value will most likely be taken at customs. I have heard that DHL is a good service to use.

Walking Everywhere

One thing that has astounded me time and again is the number of people in Nairobi that make their commute by foot.  Everywhere, all day, you can see hundreds of people on any given street moving to and from work or running errands.  Sidewalks are nearly non-existant and most are just dirt/mud with some grass …

Black Beans and Rice

Anyone know how to effectively cook black beans? I soaked them for 10 minutes but it still took 40 minutes to cook me some black beans yesterday…and when I say cooked, I mean barely done and just edible.

JB Gets a Home

I got a place to live! I moved into my place this past weekend. I spent the entire weekend buying furniture, buying household items and cleaning. I forgot how much stuff is required when you start living in a new place…simple things like cleaning supplies, window shades (which I forgot), bathroom mirrors (also forgot) and …

First Day of Work

So about work. The office I’m working in is right along a very busy highway and surrounded by some farm land. It’s a very small building that is one floor and one hallway. UDPK is on one side and the National Council for Disabled People (something like that) is on the other. I’ll be working …

JB Buys a Watch

I ventured out into Nairobi this weekend…took a leap into the deep end. One thing I did do was purchase a cheaper watch that isn’t so desirable. I settled upon the beauty in the picture…a 1980’s Casio…nice. Talked him down from 3000/- to 500/-…which apparenlty was still a rip off. I can’t wait to show …

Potatoes and Rice

Is that with an ‘e’ or without? So if you don’t like either then you might want to bring some food with you to Kenya. Had some traditional Ugali last night…a little like grits.

JB Learns some Swahili

Habari za jioni? Good evening. The Swahili studies are going well and I’ve found it’s been fairly easy to learn the basics in just two days of study. The remainder of our orientation will be dedicated to learning some practical skills for working in the country as well as some safety and health practices. I …

JB Arrives in Nairobi

It’s been 24hrs since I arrived in Nairobi, Kenya.  First impressions…this should be interesting.  We are a group of 12 volunteers from all over the world and we start out with some language training at the Methodist  Guest House in Nairobi.  Many will leave after the week to head off to their respective positions around …